
CURRENT ISSUE:  Volume 44, no. 1 (Spring 2024), Full Issue available now; or access individual articles via our Archive.

Interested in joining The Reason Papers Editorial Board?

Shawn E. Klein, Philosophy, Arizona State University

Carrie-Ann Biondi, Philosophy, Independent Scholar

View the Editorial Advising Board

As a “journal of interdisciplinary normative studies,” Reason Papers publishes work whose content is “normative in the philosophical sense.” As an interdisciplinary journal, Reason Papers’s mission is guided by an ideal of disciplinary integration that extends beyond philosophical reflection on normative concepts. We welcome work in any academic field, as long as it meets the relevant standards of rigor for the fields it discusses, and as long as its normative implications are clear or made explicit.

Starting with Issue 42, Reason Papers will focus on publishing symposia. For more information on this change in format and how to participate, see the Submission page.

Reason Papers is a forum for inquiry and debate across a wide spectrum of views rather than the instrument of any one ideology, party, or camp. Thus, Reason Papers is not edited for conformity with any particular philosophical or ideological perspective, is neither aligned with nor endorses any other institution or organization, and receives no funding from any outside source. The journal’s expenses are paid out of income from the sale of back issues and out of the Editors’ pockets. (The links listed below under “Related Sites” are suggestive of journals or institutions with intellectual interests that overlap with those of Reason Papers, but involve no formal endorsement by the Editors, the Advisory Board, or the journal itself.)

Reason Papers 32 (Fall 2010) was the journal’s last issue to be published in a hard-copy/paid subscription format. Starting with Volume 33 (Fall 2011), Reason Papers has gone to a free, fully online format. All issues, including the current one, are now available for download in the Archive section.  Reason Papers is an Open Access journal (ISSN: 03631893): readers thus have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of all content in our Archives for free (i.e., without charge either to the user or to his or her institution). Please be sure when doing so to cite Reason Papers as the place of original publication. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. For further information on Open Access journals, consult the Directory of Open Access Journals.

For information on writing a book review, go to our Call for Book and Film Reviews.

For information on ordering hard copy back issues of Reason Papers, visit our Ordering page.


Highlights from our Archives: Sadek J. al-Azm on the Arab Spring in Syria; William Glod on paternalism; Carrie-Ann Biondi on Tara Smith’s Virtuous Egoist; Stephen Kershnar on intrinsic value; Roderick Long on Hilary Putnam; Larry Sechrest on Hayek’s ‘Extended Order’; Randall Curren on Fred Miller’s Aristotle; Laurie Calhoun on Churchland’s eliminativism; Stuart Warner on Locke’s Second Treatise.

This page modified August 2023 (SK)